

Rant page

Wed.09.21.11 1:54pm



I totally agree also you might want to drop Home and Office Delivery AKA Arrowhead Water AKA Nestle Waters their trucks are poorly maintained oil leaking old pieces of crap they have to many trucks per mechanic so they save money hence more profit. It’s just a matter of time before this comes home to roost in the form of safety or accident. East bay and bay area beware stay away from the 33000 pound missiles (Arrowhead trucks).


Mon.07.11.11 10:44pm


Better reconsider sipping from that NESTLE Waters bottle water. Read the comment from Joe. http://bit.ly/kpPzXH bclocalnews.com

J.C.’s arrogance and contempt for municipal water supply is despicable. They say they are not in competition with tap water but always bringing up not so subtle reasons why it is unfit to drink. Also cook up unheard of “facts” their use of water, how many of their toxic plastic bottles get recycled and boil water scares. If you twist off one of their plastic caps and didn’t do a surgical scrub before the chore you might deposit germs from the last door knob you touched, banister you touched, hand you shook or ass you wiped on those threads where you will put your mouth. Oh the bottle water will test ok and never create a statistic about the safety of bottle water but the practice of opening the bottle is now in question. Also Nestle cost $28.98 for 15 gals waters or you can get 14490 gals water from the tap for the same price! Who do you want to support your wallet or Nestle? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXTOo6CjfZI

Fri.04.29.11 11:43am


CBWA and Guelph Mercury News gives Nestle Waters John Challinor a hand job. http://bit.ly/meC7yK Nestle Water Aberfoyle circle jerk. GuelphMercury runs story about Nestle getting an award from a club it belongs to whose job is promoting bottled water. This is just a PR stunt to get Nestle free advertizing while promoting the idea that bottle water is better than tap water and Rob O'Flanagan from Guelph Mercury News just went along with it. I sent him an e-mail and he just blew me off. About a month ago Nestle did this same trick in Maine.USA see link http://bit.ly/j2iFFO and again the news paper played into Nestles hand but they didn't disable the comments section and people called bullshit on the story. "And Collins was touring the plant at Kingfield because it was getting an award....FROM POLAND SPRING, it's owner. So let's get this straight, this is a big deal because the owner of the plant was giving an award to the plant? Really? That's about as phony as it gets." When media doesn't do its job people are left dumbed down! GuelphMercury should refuse to be a puppet for Nestle.

Wed.04.27.11 9:23pm


Mon.04.04.11 5:19pm

Comment left here because they censor.

So Nestle Waters is now going to get part of "1.8 billion in reimbursements for health benefits" from the US government what a load of crap. I read 1 month ago about them getting part of "MHTI program is using $5.9 million in ARRA (stimulus) funding" http://bit.ly/fXsQLm to help them buy trucks to deliver the prime water they take from communities with little compensation. This is NOT a USA owned company their profits go to Switzerland. Also they burn their employees out early and turn them out to the streets. http://bit.ly/gxujvE So who will these heath benefits go to Kim Jeffrey and the fat cats at the top?

Sat.03.26.11 2:12pm


John Challinor offered his opinion and JoeHadenough10 countered .


Numbers and facts cooking from John Challinor again reminds me of Tobacco executives telling us cigarettes are safe. http://nyti.ms/g3uqad Your product is Plastic Bottles they are a plague on the earth and human kind. People wake up and smell the coffee there’s nothing healthy, pure or safe about having a chunk of plastic hanging from your face for convenience. Get a refillable reusable water bottle and use it send a message to Nestle that you’re quitting cold turkey.

Sat.03.12.11 12:14am

There is a great food crisis of 2011 click this link to read about it http://bit.ly/gGanJ4 on page 2 last paragraph and page 3 1st 2 paragraphs it talks about "aquifer depletion" if you just let companies like Nestle Waters put in bore holes to rape the aquifer for corporate greed you will be adding to this problem. People need to quit buying unnecessary bottled water for lazy consumption. It makes tons of plastic waste and a giant carbon foot print due to the trucking involved in transporting the product to the lazy customers. There's nothing healthy or pure about polluting the planet with all this plastic packaging just get off your lazy asses and fill a reusable metal water bottle and take that with you when you need to go mobile.