This is reposted from another site thanks ttp.Do you have a trouble story about nestle submit to the e-mail on host front page thanks.

Nestle KILLS babies but changing desktop wall paper is a fireable offence SEIROUSLY.

When the software has a drop down menu to allow the user to change his/her background how is this breaching computer security?

Maybe if the Nestle IT guys were as smart as users this would be a non issue.

Why is aka TRANSMAN aka TMW missing in action on this? Their crap software has ownership for the problem.

Nestle failed to show any proof of any such policy and failed to follow progressive discipline policy this was just an attempt to save dollars

for their failing business. This job showed up on for $25000 less per year for this position. Sleazy cowards.

"If you work for Nestle waters pure life, Arrowhead, ice mountain, ozarka, deer park, poland spring, zephyrhills water watch your back they lie. They say you will get

merit raises but set the hurdles to un-reachable standards that when your review comes they will have every excuse why you didn't make it and year after year

you will go with out cost of living raises or bonus checks. All the time your manager will be making fat bonuses for keeping you beat down.

Do your self a favor and be looking for anther job that will treat you with the dignity you deserve it will never happen at NESTLE."

Pay cuts... Nestle thinks you are dog crap stuck on the bottom of their shoe they want to wipe you off and get cheaper labor.

Feel the love

Names blocked out to protect the innocent.

Nestle GOONS and THUGS Ed Forrest, Ron Ennis, Tom Schumacher, Chris Denton, Dorothy Gebala

Below is the text from the first apeal, above is the unjust answer.